Spot the ball contest

Find the right spot of the football and get US $5

Look Carefully in the picture and tell us where you think the ball is. There are total 7 spots, but only one spot is the actual spot of the football. You have to guess which one is the right one.

If you know the answer, then post your answer in the comment box.
Please post your answer in the comment box in following format

My name is.... and my location is....
The ball is in spot no: X

Please use a valid email address because we will need to confirm the information in case you win.
You must have PayPal in order to receive the cash prize.

(Only one winner will be selected)


Kovich said…
My name is Kovich (from NetBuilders) and I am from the US. I believe the ball is in location number 4.
clookid said…
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clookid said…
My name is Charles (from NetBuilders) and I am from NZ. I believe the ball is in location number 4.