Run your Windows Xp faster than never before

If your Window Xp is running slower, then your computer need some cleanup. Here are some tips on how to run your Window Xp Run faster than never

Tip 1:
Disable Indexing Service

Indexing Service requires large amount of RAM. This is completely unnecessary.It is used to index all your files and folders that are on your computer which are indexed every time you perform search action. Even though you search for files or not, this file only eats up your RAM, so you better disable this.

To Disable this:
1. Click Start > Click Setting > Click Control Panel > Go to Add/Remove Programs >Click Add/Remove Window Components > Uncheck the Indexing services > Click Next

You are done!

Tip 2:
Optimize Display Setting:
You need to change display setting because if you have higher setting for your display properties then it will slow down you PC.

To optimize Display Setting :-

Go to Start > Click Settings > Click Control Panel > Click System > Click Advanced tab > Now in the Performance tab click Settings Leave only the following section ticked:
Show shadows under menus
Show shadows under mouse pointer
Show translucent selection rectangle
Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop
Use visual styles on windows and buttons

Click OK and you are done!

Tip 3
Increasing the Folder browsing speed

Sometimes when you are browsing your folder, there is a delay and this is due to Window searching from all networks files and printers. You need to do following:

Open My Computer > Click on Tools menu > Click on Folder Options > Click on the View tab > Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box > Click Apply > Click Ok >Reboot your computer

( You have to reboot your computer in order to see the effect).

Tip 3
Removing unnecessary fonts for speeding up your PC

Many people don't know that fonts, especially TrueType fonts, eats up system resources and slow downs you computer. You need to get rid of those fonts which you never use.

To do this:
Click Start > Go to Setting > Click > Control Panel > Click Fonts folder > Then move your unnecessary fonts to backup folder, and in case if you need them, copy back to Font Folder again.
Believe it or not, this will speed up your computer if you have hundreds of Fonts laying around in your Font Folder.

Tip 4
Turning off System Restore

It is true that system restore can restore back your computer when you have trouble but having this setting turned on will take up gigabytes of space on your hard disk. You can always get third party restoration software instead of system restore.
To turn off system restore, take following step

Click Start> Click Setting> Open Control Panel > Click on Performance and Maintenance >Click on System
Click on the System Restore tab >Tick 'Turn off System Restore on All Drives' >Click 'Ok'

Tip 5
Disabling Sound

It has been seem that system sounds can slowdown your system boot ( startup and shut-down). To run your Window Xp faster, you need to disable sound settings.
For this you need to do following

Click Start > Click Setting> Open Control Panel > Click Sounds and Audio Devices >Check Place volume icon in taskbar > Click Sounds Tab >Choose "No Sounds" for the Sound Scheme > Click on "No" > Click on "Apply and Click "OK"

Tip 6
Getting rid of Temporary files

When you browse the internet, many images, videos, and lots of files get stored in a folder called TEMP. You can delete it by following step.

Click on Start > Click Run > Then Type '%temp%' ( without quote): You will see hundreds of files in that folder if you haven't deleted anything. Hit Ctrl + A ( selects all files) and hit Delete.
You will have now faster Window Xp

Tip 7
Keeping the Hardware Drivers up-to-date
Driver details can be found here:

Right Click on My Computer > Click Manage > Device Manager
You have to use Internet in order to check if your computer hardware drivers are up-to-date.

Tip 8
Disabling rarely used hardware services

There are some hardware services that your computer is not using. Some possible examples for general user computers are:
game ports, IR ports, MIDI devices, and Firewire.
This can be done by going to Device Manager ( Right Click My Computer > Manage) You can always re-enable the hardware services upon noticing the hardware is not function.

Tip 9
Checking Antivirus and Anti-Spyware Updates

Make sure you update Antivirus and Anti-Spyware is updated at regular basis. Generally most Antivirus and Anti-Spyware programs do upates automatically when you are connected to the internet.

Tip 10
Disabling unnecessary background processes on your computer
Your computer is maybe filled with lots of unnecessary process which are running at background and you may not notice. What you will notice is that your computer running too slow.

Some of unnecessary process which are always running and they are slowing down your computer are:
Computer Browser
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)
Remote Procedure Call Locator
Routing & Remote Ac
Remote Registry (disabled for extra secuirty)
Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)
Portable Media Serial Number
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)
Remote Procedure Call Locator
Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)
Remote Registry Service
Secondary Logon
Remote Procedure Call Locator

To disable them, do take following steps:
Click Start > Click Run and type "services.msc".
You will lists of services, and the double-click on the service that you want to change. If you want to disable it then change the startup type to Disable.

If you did everything explained above, you Window XP will run faster than before.
